Zeitraum Guest

Zeitraum Guest - a universal bed "for visitors"
 In the evening the crowd of your bosom friends has unexpectedly appeared suddenly, and also unexpectedly stay have decided to remain with you on a lodging for the night... In the conditions of small Moscow apartments such ситуцию you will not name pleasant. Проблемма placings of a great number of visitors on the limited space costs very sharply. German company Zeitraum has developed universal bed-transformer Zeitraum Guest for such cases.

Bed-transformer Zeitraum Guest can be executed from a beech, an oak, a maple, the American cherry or the American nut with an upholstery from 100 % of a clap. By bed manufacture high-quality natural materials are used only.

Length of a bed-transformer of 2.09 m, width of 0.8-0.9 m, height of 0.21 m..